When considering implementing a security system, many organizations choose to seek the help of security specialists. National Security can help in the design and implementation of a system that performs to the customer's specific needs. Each and every phase in the engineering process is a step towards successful project completion. Often, the client is eager to have a visual realization of the security system thus encouraging the design group to hurry through many of the preliminary procedures. In rushing through these preliminary procedures both parties tend to overlook phases that are crucial to success. National Security has specifically designed processes and has assembled a knowledgeable team of experts to develop a system to meet your exact needs.
The first step for our engineering team is to meet with members of management and security. A project scope will be determined based on organizational needs and risk concerns. This preliminary meeting is to allow the client to express their concerns so that National Security's team obtains a foundation from which to begin. It also allows the engineering team to offer suggestions in order to resolve specific security concerns.
The next step in the engineering process is diagnosis. Our team will not set out to compile volumes of information, but rather offer a solution to the concerns expressed by the client in the preliminary meeting. The WSG engineering team begins an investigation of the underlying causes of these concerns. The engineering team may discover that the underlying causes of these initial concerns may actually be different from what the client had originally believed. Therefore, diagnosis often requires a redefinition of the problem. Upon identifying all the needs, a scope document will be developed so that the bid and estimating process can begin.
The team's next step is to offer feedback on what was discovered during their diagnosis. This is the time to present findings and recommendations in order to reach a mutual decision with the client on the most appropriate action. Our feedback is often times a reality check for the client. The client must answer tough questions and acknowledge problems that might not be desirable to address. Only after the compiled diagnosis and recommendations have been presented can the implementation process begin.
National Security has assembled a team with expertise in engineering and system design for companies both large and small. It is our goal to ensure that all of our clients can put aside their security concerns and focus on their core business.